PRODUCTS  |  Prodotti

BERTOCCHI IMPIANTI Filter case & filter press

Corpi filtro e filtri pressa

Casings for sintered cloth, lenticular, cartridge, sleeve, plate and leaf filters, flanged with various opening and support systems. Sizes ranging from a few to thousands of litres.
Special tanks for heavy duty use at medium to high pressures and temperatures, for reactions, mixing, pressing and drying. Supplied with slow agitators for dust discharge.

Filter plates and hydraulic lift

Filter plates and hydraulic lift

Filter plates detail

Cartridge filter

Housing filter with disck and cloth ND 450
Cartridge filter ND 500

Filtering cloth detail

Housing filter with pallet in stainless steel
Inox housing filter PFA lined + PTFE ExD
PFA internal lined detail + PTFE ExD
Filter press ND 600

Filter press ND 600 detail